Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The house on Mango Street

The house on Mango Street was written by a Mexican American writer named Sandra Cisneros. The story was very short from the short stories textbook that I read. The story talks about how a family of six lived in a small house and how the narrator keep still have memories living there. As the story progresses, he talks about how he still have the image of that house while his family moves a lot from house to house. That house was very special to him and his family and it motivated him and his family to work hard and buy a bigger and better house. I liked the story besides it was short, but it stick to the theme where they used the house on Mango Street as a motivation to work hard and aim at buying a new big house.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Man from the South by Roald Dahl

I like this story a lot along watching the movie. This story has a surprising ending and the characters portrayed in the story was excellent. The storyline caught my attention with the old man trying to persuade the young boy to gamble with him. The bet was to see if the boy can light up his zippo lighter ten times without missing. In return, the boy would get a car and the old man only wants the boy's fingers. The story was convincing in the end where the lady shows up and only two fingers left.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Killers by Ernest Hemingway

The story, "Killers" was another good story written by Ernest "Papa" Hemingway. In the beginning, I find it confusing to read because I was reading real fast and that wasn't my usual pace at reading. So I had to read it twice, and after my second time, I fully understood the whole story. The story was quite interesting because there were two killers looking for Ole Anderson at a restaurant with 2 boys and 1 chef working there. The killers knew their target likes dining in that restaurant and attempts to wait for the right timing to kill him. As the story goes on, one of the boy left and try to warn Ole Anderson about the 2 killers. Overall, the story was readable but not that interesting because the ending didn't catch my attention and the story itself wasn't satisfying to read. I was able to read through the whole story and rereading it and the words in the story was quite simple.

The Story of an Hour

"The Story of an Hour" was written by Kate Chopin. This story started out with a good theme explaining why the woman which is the main character of the story who didn't love her husband anymore. Her husband treated her really good, but she doesn't have that love for him anymore. As the story approaches, she wants to leave her husband and move on with her new life. The ending was what caught my attention at the end. Overall, the story was interesting to me because it provided a detailed plot and the characters seems realistic to me. I wasn't able to read through the story based on reading the first two paragraphs because the author didn't make it complex by using real difficult words or try to make anything else more difficult to read. There were some words that I didn't understand, but by reading and getting the main idea was what made me to read on.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Hills like White Elephant

This story was written by Ernest "Papa" Hemingway. The story is about an American guy with his girlfriend traveling around the world where his girlfriend wants a family with him. The man doesn't want a family because he is afraid to lose his freedom and trapped working real hard and feeding his family. I was able to read through the whole story because it was really short and the words in the story was simple and direct. The story is very realistic to me like in reality where you see certain couples nowadays that have a man don't want to tie the not and get married and have kids and stay put. He was to have fun and freedom to travel around the world. The girlfriend on the other hand wants a family and be with her man and wants him to bring home the money and feed the family.

A Worn Path by Eudora Welty

This story seems like a movie that I have seen before. It's about an very old elderly woman who tries to save her grandson by looking for medicines through a dangerous forest. She is the main character in the story and she is a very strong character by having strong will power and nothing seems to stop her from crossing her path. She was able to overcome obstacles no matter what tries to stop her. Her name is Phoenix Jackson and her name fits her properly. She is a realistic character to me because I have seen someone strong like her and admire her strong will power. People with strong will power are the ones that succeed in life and overcome obstacles. Even though I read the story twice, I really enjoyed reading stories where protagonist succeeds at the end which Phoenix did bring her grandson the medicine but question was if her grandson was able to live on.

The Man in the Black Suit

The man in the black suit was written by Stephen King. I used to read a lot of Stephen King's books like IT, The Stand, and The Dead Zone. Although I wasn't able to finish reading any of his books because it was too long and wasn't patient enough to read it through. I liked this story a lot because it portrayed how strong the protagonist is and able to live through his life when he encountered a difficult obstacle during his younger life. Having to listen to audio cassette in class and following it with the reading passage was amazing because the story was more easier for me to understand. Also, short stories are perfect for me to read because the length is short and I could finish it as fast as possible and move on to another story.