Thursday, October 2, 2008

Young Goodman Brown

The story, "Young Goodman Brown" is not interesting for me to read. The words that in the story was too difficult for me to understand and some words, I could not find it from the dictionary. The author of the story is Nathaniel Hanthorne. I was able to read through the story because the protagonist from the story characterization and the plot of the story was convincing to me. The reason is because Young Goodman Brown was a pessimistic person and most of the time looks at the negative aspect in life. Also, I didn't like how Young Goodman Brown ended his life at the end. Overall, I think the story was readable as long you have patience reading through it.

1 comment:

J OBrien said...

Better on the analysis. This was a confusing story but you seem to have grasped the character of Goodman Brown well.